Smart Tips About How To Control A Computer With A Psp

How To: Play Your Psp On Your Pc Screen (By Aliko95) -

How To: Play Your Psp On Pc Screen (by Aliko95) -

How To Connect Your Psp To Your Computer: 7 Steps (With Pictures)
How To Connect Your Psp Computer: 7 Steps (with Pictures)
Remotejoy Lite]How To Play Psp On Your Pc's Screen New Version!!! - Youtube
Remotejoy Lite]how To Play Psp On Your Pc's Screen New Version!!! - Youtube
How To: Play Your Psp On Your Pc Screen (By Aliko95) -

How To: Play Your Psp On Pc Screen (by Aliko95) -

Using Psp As Computer Joystick And Then Controlling Your Computer With The  Psp : 5 Steps (With Pictures) - Instructables
Using Psp As Computer Joystick And Then Controlling Your With The : 5 Steps (with Pictures) - Instructables
How To Use A Psp As A Game Controller For Pc And Ps3 : 7 Steps -  Instructables

How To Use A Psp As Game Controller For Pc And Ps3 : 7 Steps - Instructables

How To Use A Psp As A Game Controller For Pc And Ps3 : 7 Steps -  Instructables

Control computer with psp how to :

How to control a computer with a psp. I have seen a homebrew app i think it called psp vnc, which suppose to allow you to control your computer with your psp. If you have a controller like an xbox 360 gamepad, you can plug the controller into the computer. This is a tinkernut video cast.

You can use the same process for controllers. Then, follow the same process for setting up,. This video shows you how to control your computer (mainly games and.

Control your computer with a webcam & wii remote. The second option for psp on pc action uses a piece of homebrew software called remotejoy and a simple usb cable, which apparently lets you see and remotely control. Can it be used on the psp 3000 allows.

I mapped w=triangle, s=x, a=circle, and d=square; The analog to the arrow keys; And z=up d pad, left option = down d pad, left control = left d pad, and.

Use Your Psp As A Pc Joystick | Engadget
Use Your Psp As A Pc Joystick | Engadget
How To Connect Your Psp To Your Computer: 7 Steps (With Pictures)
How To Connect Your Psp Computer: 7 Steps (with Pictures)
Set Up Your Psp As A Secondary Monitor : 6 Steps (With Pictures) -  Instructables

Set Up Your Psp As A Secondary Monitor : 6 Steps (with Pictures) - Instructables

Utility Software To Sync Your Psp And Your Pc Or Mac
Utility Software To Sync Your Psp And Pc Or Mac
Playstation Portable - Wikipedia

Playstation Portable - Wikipedia

How To Connect Your Psp To Your Computer: 7 Steps (With Pictures)
How To Connect Your Psp Computer: 7 Steps (with Pictures)
Psp Controls Your Pc, Then The World! | Engadget

Psp Controls Your Pc, Then The World! | Engadget

Tutorial Psp: How To Use Your Psp As A Pc Joystick/Gamepad - Youtube
Tutorial Psp: How To Use Your Psp As A Pc Joystick/gamepad - Youtube
How To Connect Your Psp To Your Computer: 7 Steps (With Pictures)

How To Connect Your Psp Computer: 7 Steps (with Pictures)

How-To: Analog Control Stick For Your Sony Psp | Engadget

How-to: Analog Control Stick For Your Sony Psp | Engadget

Display Psp/Psp Go Screen On Pc! (6.61 Cfw) (Remotejoy Lite) 2017 Tutorial!  - Youtube

Display Psp/psp Go Screen On Pc! (6.61 Cfw) (remotejoy Lite) 2017 Tutorial! - Youtube

1. The Basics - Psp Hacks [Book]
1. The Basics - Psp Hacks [book]
Using Psp As Computer Joystick And Then Controlling Your Computer With The  Psp : 5 Steps (With Pictures) - Instructables

Using Psp As Computer Joystick And Then Controlling Your With The : 5 Steps (with Pictures) - Instructables

Sony Psp (Playstation Portable) Specs And Details

Sony Psp (playstation Portable) Specs And Details